Hemangi Wadkar - PHP Developer
Hemangi joined our development team in Musselburgh in 2019 after four years working as a developer and technical lead. We love having Hemangi as part of the team - she’s always very upbeat and is super creative! We caught up with Hemangi to ask her a few questions about how she finds life at Peoplebank and what’s changed for her as a result of the lockdowns.
What do you do at Peoplebank?
I am a programmer working on Peoplebank’s systems, developing new and custom features for clients.
What’s your favourite part of your job?
My favourite part of my job is seeing how clients are using or have benefited from whatever I built. I like to hear that my work has eased someone’s work life a little bit. For me, it is all about making a difference in some way.
What’s your favourite coding language?
PHP - it’s what I work in mostly. It’s very practical and makes it easy to get things done.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I like to do things that also work as meditation for me. I really like cooking and doodling. I also enjoy reading - mythic fiction and thrillers are my favourite genres.
What activity have you started doing in lockdown?
I had to start exercise because I’d gained lockdown weight! Now it has became a good habit.
What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learnt about yourself over the last few months?
It was a surprise for me to find out how much I look forward to our daily zoom calls and how I like to interact with the team even if it is only for 15 minutes. I think the same goes for everyone in the team.
What’s the one change from lockdown that you’ll try to keep?
Working from home, from time to time.
What are you most looking forward to doing when lockdown restrictions end?
I’m definitely looking forward to visiting family back in India. I want to travel and have outings.
We wanted to share a selection of Hemangi’s creative work - since we think it’s great.